Source code for pybreaker

#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-

Threadsafe pure-Python implementation of the Circuit Breaker pattern, described
by Michael T. Nygard in his book 'Release It!'.

For more information on this and other patterns and best practices, buy the
book at

import types
import time
import calendar
import logging
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from functools import wraps
import threading
import six
import sys

    from tornado import gen
except ImportError:

    from redis.exceptions import RedisError
except ImportError:

__all__ = (
    'CircuitBreaker', 'CircuitBreakerListener', 'CircuitBreakerError',
    'CircuitMemoryStorage', 'CircuitRedisStorage', 'STATE_OPEN', 'STATE_CLOSED',

STATE_OPEN = 'open'
STATE_CLOSED = 'closed'
STATE_HALF_OPEN = 'half-open'

class CircuitBreaker(object):
    More abstractly, circuit breakers exists to allow one subsystem to fail
    without destroying the entire system.

    This is done by wrapping dangerous operations (typically integration points)
    with a component that can circumvent calls when the system is not healthy.

    This pattern is described by Michael T. Nygard in his book 'Release It!'.

    def __init__(self, fail_max=5, reset_timeout=60, exclude=None,
                 listeners=None, state_storage=None, name=None):
        Creates a new circuit breaker with the given parameters.
        self._lock = threading.RLock()
        self._state_storage = state_storage or CircuitMemoryStorage(STATE_CLOSED)
        self._state = self._create_new_state(self.current_state)

        self._fail_max = fail_max
        self._reset_timeout = reset_timeout

        self._excluded_exceptions = list(exclude or [])
        self._listeners = list(listeners or [])
        self._name = name

    def fail_counter(self):
        Returns the current number of consecutive failures.
        return self._state_storage.counter

    def fail_max(self):
        Returns the maximum number of failures tolerated before the circuit is
        return self._fail_max

    def fail_max(self, number):
        Sets the maximum `number` of failures tolerated before the circuit is
        self._fail_max = number

    def reset_timeout(self):
        Once this circuit breaker is opened, it should remain opened until the
        timeout period, in seconds, elapses.
        return self._reset_timeout

    def reset_timeout(self, timeout):
        Sets the `timeout` period, in seconds, this circuit breaker should be
        kept open.
        self._reset_timeout = timeout

    def _create_new_state(self, new_state, prev_state=None, notify=False):
        Return state object from state string, i.e.,
        'closed' -> <CircuitClosedState>
        state_map = {
            STATE_CLOSED: CircuitClosedState,
            STATE_OPEN: CircuitOpenState,
            STATE_HALF_OPEN: CircuitHalfOpenState,
            cls = state_map[new_state]
            return cls(self, prev_state=prev_state, notify=notify)
        except KeyError:
            msg = "Unknown state {!r}, valid states: {}"
            raise ValueError(msg.format(new_state, ', '.join(state_map)))

    def state(self):
        Update (if needed) and returns the cached state object.
        # Ensure cached state is up-to-date
        if self.current_state !=
            # If cached state is out-of-date, that means that it was likely
            # changed elsewhere (e.g. another process instance). We still send
            # out a notification, informing others that this particular circuit
            # breaker instance noticed the changed circuit.
            self.state = self.current_state
        return self._state

    def state(self, state_str):
        Set cached state and notify listeners of newly cached state.
        with self._lock:
            self._state = self._create_new_state(
                state_str, prev_state=self._state, notify=True)

    def current_state(self):
        Returns a string that identifies the state of the circuit breaker as
        reported by the _state_storage. i.e., 'closed', 'open', 'half-open'.
        return self._state_storage.state

    def excluded_exceptions(self):
        Returns the list of excluded exceptions, e.g., exceptions that should
        not be considered system errors by this circuit breaker.
        return tuple(self._excluded_exceptions)

    def add_excluded_exception(self, exception):
        Adds an exception to the list of excluded exceptions.
        with self._lock:

    def add_excluded_exceptions(self, *exceptions):
        Adds exceptions to the list of excluded exceptions.
        for exc in exceptions:

    def remove_excluded_exception(self, exception):
        Removes an exception from the list of excluded exceptions.
        with self._lock:

    def _inc_counter(self):
        Increments the counter of failed calls.

    def is_system_error(self, exception):
        Returns whether the exception `exception` is considered a signal of
        system malfunction. Business exceptions should not cause this circuit
        breaker to open.
        exception_type = type(exception)
        for exclusion in self._excluded_exceptions:
            if type(exclusion) is type:
                if issubclass(exception_type, exclusion):
                    return False
            elif callable(exclusion):
                if exclusion(exception):
                    return False
        return True

    def call(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
        Calls `func` with the given `args` and `kwargs` according to the rules
        implemented by the current state of this circuit breaker.
        with self._lock:
            return, *args, **kwargs)

    def call_async(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
        Calls async `func` with the given `args` and `kwargs` according to the rules
        implemented by the current state of this circuit breaker.

        Return a closure to prevent import errors when using without tornado present
        def wrapped():
            with self._lock:
                ret = yield self.state.call_async(func, *args, **kwargs)
                raise gen.Return(ret)
        return wrapped()

    def open(self):
        Opens the circuit, e.g., the following calls will immediately fail
        until timeout elapses.
        with self._lock:
            self._state_storage.opened_at = datetime.utcnow()
            self.state = self._state_storage.state = STATE_OPEN

    def half_open(self):
        Half-opens the circuit, e.g. lets the following call pass through and
        opens the circuit if the call fails (or closes the circuit if the call
        with self._lock:
            self.state = self._state_storage.state = STATE_HALF_OPEN

    def close(self):
        Closes the circuit, e.g. lets the following calls execute as usual.
        with self._lock:
            self.state = self._state_storage.state = STATE_CLOSED

    def __call__(self, *call_args, **call_kwargs):
        Returns a wrapper that calls the function `func` according to the rules
        implemented by the current state of this circuit breaker.

        Optionally takes the keyword argument `__pybreaker_call_coroutine`,
        which will will call `func` as a Tornado co-routine.
        call_async = call_kwargs.pop('__pybreaker_call_async', False)

        if call_async and not HAS_TORNADO_SUPPORT:
            raise ImportError('No module named tornado')

        def _outer_wrapper(func):
            def _inner_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
                if call_async:
                    return self.call_async(func, *args, **kwargs)
                return, *args, **kwargs)
            return _inner_wrapper

        if call_args:
            return _outer_wrapper(*call_args)
        return _outer_wrapper

    def listeners(self):
        Returns the registered listeners as a tuple.
        return tuple(self._listeners)

    def add_listener(self, listener):
        Registers a listener for this circuit breaker.
        with self._lock:

    def add_listeners(self, *listeners):
        Registers listeners for this circuit breaker.
        for listener in listeners:

    def remove_listener(self, listener):
        Unregisters a listener of this circuit breaker.
        with self._lock:

    def name(self):
        Returns the name of this circuit breaker. Useful for logging.
        return self._name

    def name(self, name):
        Set the name of this circuit breaker.
        self._name = name

[docs]class CircuitBreakerStorage(object): """ Defines the underlying storage for a circuit breaker - the underlying implementation should be in a subclass that overrides the method this class defines. """ def __init__(self, name): """ Creates a new instance identified by `name`. """ self._name = name @property def name(self): """ Returns a human friendly name that identifies this state. """ return self._name @property def state(self): """ Override this method to retrieve the current circuit breaker state. """ pass @state.setter def state(self, state): """ Override this method to set the current circuit breaker state. """ pass
[docs] def increment_counter(self): """ Override this method to increase the failure counter by one. """ pass
[docs] def reset_counter(self): """ Override this method to set the failure counter to zero. """ pass
@property def counter(self): """ Override this method to retrieve the current value of the failure counter. """ pass @property def opened_at(self): """ Override this method to retrieve the most recent value of when the circuit was opened. """ pass @opened_at.setter def opened_at(self, datetime): """ Override this method to set the most recent value of when the circuit was opened. """ pass
[docs]class CircuitMemoryStorage(CircuitBreakerStorage): """ Implements a `CircuitBreakerStorage` in local memory. """ def __init__(self, state): """ Creates a new instance with the given `state`. """ super(CircuitMemoryStorage, self).__init__('memory') self._fail_counter = 0 self._opened_at = None self._state = state @property def state(self): """ Returns the current circuit breaker state. """ return self._state @state.setter def state(self, state): """ Set the current circuit breaker state to `state`. """ self._state = state
[docs] def increment_counter(self): """ Increases the failure counter by one. """ self._fail_counter += 1
[docs] def reset_counter(self): """ Sets the failure counter to zero. """ self._fail_counter = 0
@property def counter(self): """ Returns the current value of the failure counter. """ return self._fail_counter @property def opened_at(self): """ Returns the most recent value of when the circuit was opened. """ return self._opened_at @opened_at.setter def opened_at(self, datetime): """ Sets the most recent value of when the circuit was opened to `datetime`. """ self._opened_at = datetime
class CircuitRedisStorage(CircuitBreakerStorage): """ Implements a `CircuitBreakerStorage` using redis. """ BASE_NAMESPACE = 'pybreaker' logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def __init__(self, state, redis_object, namespace=None, fallback_circuit_state=STATE_CLOSED): """ Creates a new instance with the given `state` and `redis` object. The redis object should be similar to pyredis' StrictRedis class. If there are any connection issues with redis, the `fallback_circuit_state` is used to determine the state of the circuit. """ # Module does not exist, so this feature is not available if not HAS_REDIS_SUPPORT: raise ImportError("CircuitRedisStorage can only be used if the required dependencies exist") super(CircuitRedisStorage, self).__init__('redis') try: self.RedisError = __import__('redis').exceptions.RedisError except ImportError: # Module does not exist, so this feature is not available raise ImportError("CircuitRedisStorage can only be used if 'redis' is available") self._redis = redis_object self._namespace_name = namespace self._fallback_circuit_state = fallback_circuit_state self._initial_state = str(state) self._initialize_redis_state(self._initial_state) def _initialize_redis_state(self, state): self._redis.setnx(self._namespace('fail_counter'), 0) self._redis.setnx(self._namespace('state'), state) @property def state(self): """ Returns the current circuit breaker state. If the circuit breaker state on Redis is missing, re-initialize it with the fallback circuit state and reset the fail counter. """ try: state_bytes = self._redis.get(self._namespace('state')) except self.RedisError: self.logger.error('RedisError: falling back to default circuit state', exc_info=True) return self._fallback_circuit_state state = self._fallback_circuit_state if state_bytes is not None: state = state_bytes.decode('utf-8') else: # state retrieved from redis was missing, so we re-initialize # the circuit breaker state on redis self._initialize_redis_state(self._fallback_circuit_state) return state @state.setter def state(self, state): """ Set the current circuit breaker state to `state`. """ try: self._redis.set(self._namespace('state'), str(state)) except self.RedisError: self.logger.error('RedisError', exc_info=True) pass def increment_counter(self): """ Increases the failure counter by one. """ try: self._redis.incr(self._namespace('fail_counter')) except self.RedisError: self.logger.error('RedisError', exc_info=True) pass def reset_counter(self): """ Sets the failure counter to zero. """ try: self._redis.set(self._namespace('fail_counter'), 0) except self.RedisError: self.logger.error('RedisError', exc_info=True) pass @property def counter(self): """ Returns the current value of the failure counter. """ try: value = self._redis.get(self._namespace('fail_counter')) if value: return int(value) else: return 0 except self.RedisError: self.logger.error('RedisError: Assuming no errors', exc_info=True) return 0 @property def opened_at(self): """ Returns a datetime object of the most recent value of when the circuit was opened. """ try: timestamp = self._redis.get(self._namespace('opened_at')) if timestamp: return datetime(*time.gmtime(int(timestamp))[:6]) except self.RedisError: self.logger.error('RedisError', exc_info=True) return None @opened_at.setter def opened_at(self, now): """ Atomically sets the most recent value of when the circuit was opened to `now`. Stored in redis as a simple integer of unix epoch time. To avoid timezone issues between different systems, the passed in datetime should be in UTC. """ try: key = self._namespace('opened_at') def set_if_greater(pipe): current_value = pipe.get(key) next_value = int(calendar.timegm(now.timetuple())) pipe.multi() if not current_value or next_value > int(current_value): pipe.set(key, next_value) self._redis.transaction(set_if_greater, key) except self.RedisError: self.logger.error('RedisError', exc_info=True) pass def _namespace(self, key): name_parts = [self.BASE_NAMESPACE, key] if self._namespace_name: name_parts.insert(0, self._namespace_name) return ':'.join(name_parts) class CircuitBreakerListener(object): """ Listener class used to plug code to a ``CircuitBreaker`` instance when certain events happen. """ def before_call(self, cb, func, *args, **kwargs): """ This callback function is called before the circuit breaker `cb` calls `fn`. """ pass def failure(self, cb, exc): """ This callback function is called when a function called by the circuit breaker `cb` fails. """ pass def success(self, cb): """ This callback function is called when a function called by the circuit breaker `cb` succeeds. """ pass def state_change(self, cb, old_state, new_state): """ This callback function is called when the state of the circuit breaker `cb` state changes. """ pass class CircuitBreakerState(object): """ Implements the behavior needed by all circuit breaker states. """ def __init__(self, cb, name): """ Creates a new instance associated with the circuit breaker `cb` and identified by `name`. """ self._breaker = cb self._name = name @property def name(self): """ Returns a human friendly name that identifies this state. """ return self._name def _handle_error(self, exc, reraise=True): """ Handles a failed call to the guarded operation. """ if self._breaker.is_system_error(exc): self._breaker._inc_counter() for listener in self._breaker.listeners: listener.failure(self._breaker, exc) self.on_failure(exc) else: self._handle_success() if reraise: raise exc def _handle_success(self): """ Handles a successful call to the guarded operation. """ self._breaker._state_storage.reset_counter() self.on_success() for listener in self._breaker.listeners: listener.success(self._breaker) def call(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """ Calls `func` with the given `args` and `kwargs`, and updates the circuit breaker state according to the result. """ ret = None self.before_call(func, *args, **kwargs) for listener in self._breaker.listeners: listener.before_call(self._breaker, func, *args, **kwargs) try: ret = func(*args, **kwargs) if isinstance(ret, types.GeneratorType): return self.generator_call(ret) except BaseException as e: self._handle_error(e) else: self._handle_success() return ret def call_async(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """ Calls async `func` with the given `args` and `kwargs`, and updates the circuit breaker state according to the result. Return a closure to prevent import errors when using without tornado present """ @gen.coroutine def wrapped(): ret = None self.before_call(func, *args, **kwargs) for listener in self._breaker.listeners: listener.before_call(self._breaker, func, *args, **kwargs) try: ret = yield func(*args, **kwargs) if isinstance(ret, types.GeneratorType): raise gen.Return(self.generator_call(ret)) except BaseException as e: self._handle_error(e) else: self._handle_success() raise gen.Return(ret) return wrapped() def generator_call(self, wrapped_generator): try: value = yield next(wrapped_generator) while True: value = yield wrapped_generator.send(value) except StopIteration: self._handle_success() return except BaseException as e: self._handle_error(e, reraise=False) wrapped_generator.throw(e) def before_call(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """ Override this method to be notified before a call to the guarded operation is attempted. """ pass def on_success(self): """ Override this method to be notified when a call to the guarded operation succeeds. """ pass def on_failure(self, exc): """ Override this method to be notified when a call to the guarded operation fails. """ pass class CircuitClosedState(CircuitBreakerState): """ In the normal "closed" state, the circuit breaker executes operations as usual. If the call succeeds, nothing happens. If it fails, however, the circuit breaker makes a note of the failure. Once the number of failures exceeds a threshold, the circuit breaker trips and "opens" the circuit. """ def __init__(self, cb, prev_state=None, notify=False): """ Moves the given circuit breaker `cb` to the "closed" state. """ super(CircuitClosedState, self).__init__(cb, STATE_CLOSED) if notify: # We only reset the counter if notify is True, otherwise the CircuitBreaker # will lose it's failure count due to a second CircuitBreaker being created # using the same _state_storage object, or if the _state_storage objects # share a central source of truth (as would be the case with the redis # storage). self._breaker._state_storage.reset_counter() for listener in self._breaker.listeners: listener.state_change(self._breaker, prev_state, self) def on_failure(self, exc): """ Moves the circuit breaker to the "open" state once the failures threshold is reached. """ if self._breaker._state_storage.counter >= self._breaker.fail_max: error_msg = 'Failures threshold reached, circuit breaker opened' six.reraise(CircuitBreakerError, CircuitBreakerError(error_msg), sys.exc_info()[2]) class CircuitOpenState(CircuitBreakerState): """ When the circuit is "open", calls to the circuit breaker fail immediately, without any attempt to execute the real operation. This is indicated by the ``CircuitBreakerError`` exception. After a suitable amount of time, the circuit breaker decides that the operation has a chance of succeeding, so it goes into the "half-open" state. """ def __init__(self, cb, prev_state=None, notify=False): """ Moves the given circuit breaker `cb` to the "open" state. """ super(CircuitOpenState, self).__init__(cb, STATE_OPEN) if notify: for listener in self._breaker.listeners: listener.state_change(self._breaker, prev_state, self) def before_call(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """ After the timeout elapses, move the circuit breaker to the "half-open" state; otherwise, raises ``CircuitBreakerError`` without any attempt to execute the real operation. """ timeout = timedelta(seconds=self._breaker.reset_timeout) opened_at = self._breaker._state_storage.opened_at if opened_at and datetime.utcnow() < opened_at + timeout: error_msg = 'Timeout not elapsed yet, circuit breaker still open' raise CircuitBreakerError(error_msg) else: self._breaker.half_open() return, *args, **kwargs) def call(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """ Delegate the call to before_call, if the time out is not elapsed it will throw an exception, otherwise we get the results from the call performed after the state is switch to half-open """ return self.before_call(func, *args, **kwargs) class CircuitHalfOpenState(CircuitBreakerState): """ In the "half-open" state, the next call to the circuit breaker is allowed to execute the dangerous operation. Should the call succeed, the circuit breaker resets and returns to the "closed" state. If this trial call fails, however, the circuit breaker returns to the "open" state until another timeout elapses. """ def __init__(self, cb, prev_state=None, notify=False): """ Moves the given circuit breaker `cb` to the "half-open" state. """ super(CircuitHalfOpenState, self).__init__(cb, STATE_HALF_OPEN) if notify: for listener in self._breaker._listeners: listener.state_change(self._breaker, prev_state, self) def on_failure(self, exc): """ Opens the circuit breaker. """ error_msg = 'Trial call failed, circuit breaker opened' six.reraise(CircuitBreakerError, CircuitBreakerError(error_msg), sys.exc_info()[2]) def on_success(self): """ Closes the circuit breaker. """ self._breaker.close() class CircuitBreakerError(Exception): """ When calls to a service fails because the circuit is open, this error is raised to allow the caller to handle this type of exception differently. """ pass